
Privacy Policy

Privacy and Data Management Policy

MEDUSAfunding Privacy and Data Management Policy

At MEDUSAfunding, we recognize the importance of privacy and are committed to transparently managing and protecting your personal information. Our Privacy Policy is designed to inform you about how we handle your data in compliance with privacy regulations.

Detailed Aspects of the Privacy Policy

Data Controller Contact Details:

   – MEDUSAfunding, situated at our registered office, acts as the data controller. For any data-related queries or to exercise your rights concerning your personal data, you can reach us at

Data Collection and Types:

   – We collect a range of personal data to provide and enhance our services. This includes but is not limited to personal and contact details, financial information, and behavioral data.

   – Data you provide directly: This encompasses information you submit when registering an account, placing orders, engaging in our trading challenges, contacting customer support, or interacting via social media.

   – Automatic data collection: As you navigate our services, we collect data related to your device, website interactions, and service usage patterns.

   – Third-party data: If you connect your social media or trading platform accounts, we may receive additional information from these sources, which we handle according to our privacy standards.

Utilization of Personal Information:

   – Account setup and service delivery: We use your personal information to register your account and provide you with tailored services.

   – Service improvement: Your data helps us enhance service quality, ensuring a seamless user experience.

   – Marketing activities: We may use your contact information for promotional purposes, subject to your consent where required.

Data Security and Protection:

   – We employ robust security measures to safeguard your personal data, including encryption and secure storage practices.

   – Our technical and organizational measures are designed to prevent unauthorized access and ensure data integrity.

Sharing Personal Data

   – We may share your information with trusted third parties essential for service provision. These include financial institutions, IT service providers, and marketing agencies.

   – All third-party data processors are contractually obliged to protect your data and adhere to privacy laws.

International Data Transfers

   – Transferring data internationally is conducted in compliance with legal standards, ensuring adequate data protection.

User Rights and Data Management

   – You have the right to access, rectify, delete, or restrict the processing of your personal data.

   – Data portability: You can request a copy of your data in a structured, machine-readable format.

   – Right to object: You may object to certain types of data processing.

   – Consent withdrawal: Where processing is based on consent, you have the right to withdraw consent at any time.

Extended Policy Details

– Data Retention Policy: We retain personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this policy, adhering to legal retention requirements. Post this period, your data is securely deleted or anonymized.

– Exercising Your Rights: To exercise any of your data rights, including accessing, updating, or deleting your information, contact our support team. We are committed to responding promptly and efficiently to all such requests.

– Automated Decision Making and Profiling: We do not use your personal data for automated decision-making processes that could significantly affect you without your explicit consent.

– Complaints and Queries: If you have any concerns about how we handle your data, you are encouraged to contact us. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the appropriate data protection authority.

Updates to the Privacy Policy:

– MEDUSAfunding reserves the right to update this policy to reflect changes in legal requirements or our data processing practices. We will notify you of significant changes and always maintain the latest version of the policy in the Client Section of our website.

AML Policy

MEDUSAfunding Anti-Money Laundering Policy Statement

MEDUSAfunding is steadfast in its commitment to combatting money laundering, terrorist financing, and sanction evasion. Adherence to the regulations set forth by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) of Mauritius is integral to preserving our reputation and maintaining public trust.

Policy Framework and Compliance:

  • MEDUSAfunding’s anti-money laundering (AML) policy is crafted to align with the regulatory framework of the FSC of Mauritius, focusing on designated non-financial businesses and professions (DNFBP).
  • Our policy extends across all entities under MEDUSAfunding’s ownership, ensuring uniform compliance and the achievement of our organizational objectives.

Policy Objectives:

  • Define MEDUSAfunding’s position on money laundering, terrorist financing, and avoiding sanctions.
  • Clarify the compliance responsibilities of all our employees.
  • Provide guidance for daily business conduct in compliance with Mauritian regulations.
  • Promote a culture of legal compliance and ethical conduct.

Definition of Money Laundering:

  • As defined by Mauritius’ AML legislation, money laundering involves handling funds known to originate from criminal activity. This encompasses concealment, transfer, acquisition, or assistance in these activities.
  • Intentionality is a critical component of money laundering, distinguishing it from acts of negligence.

Applicable Laws and Regulations:

  • Compliance with AML laws, Counter-Terrorism Financing (CTF) regulations, and other relevant legislations enforced by the FSC of Mauritius.
  • Adherence to international sanctions and standards as applicable in Mauritius.

Risk-Based Approach and Compliance Program:

  • MEDUSAfunding adheres to a risk-based approach as mandated by the FSC for customer onboarding and ongoing AML assessments.
  • Our commitment includes a rigorous compliance program, ensuring alignment with both local and international best practices.

Investigatory Powers and Enforcement:

  • The Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) of Mauritius, under the supervision of the FSC, oversees the regulation and enforcement of AML activities.

Transaction Monitoring and Reporting:

  • MEDUSAfunding employs a meticulous transaction monitoring system, with plans to enhance its efficiency through automation.
  • Each transaction, especially within the typical range of $9 to $999, undergoes thorough review and approval.
  • We report suspicious activities directly to the Mauritius FIU, in compliance with the procedures outlined by the FSC.

Document Retention and Risk Rating:

  • All relevant documentation and records are securely retained for a minimum period as mandated by Mauritian law.
  • Our risk management unit conducts detailed assessments of client profiles, ensuring effective risk mitigation.

Resolutions, Sanctions, and Employee Training:

  • Administrative sanctions are imposed for non-compliance, in line with FSC regulations.
  • Employees receive annual training on AML/CFT, focusing on identification, reporting, and understanding evolving legal frameworks.

Designated Compliance Team:

  • MEDUSAfunding’s Compliance Officer and team are responsible for the AML/CFT program, ensuring adherence to Mauritian regulations and international standards.

Terms & Conditions


Welcome to the Terms of Service (the “Terms”) of Medusa Funding. These Terms define the governing principles and obligations related to your usage (referred to hereafter as “Participant”, “Customer”) of the various trading challenges and services (collectively known as “Medusa Funding Challenges,” “Trading Challenges,” “Assessment,” or “Services”) offered by Medusa Funding. Our Services are primarily available through our website, (hereafter referred to as the “Website”). We strongly encourage Customers to carefully review these Terms. If any aspect of these Terms is not clear or agreeable to you, you are not required to utilize the Services or engage in the Medusa Funding Challenges. Opting to use our Services implies your understanding of and agreement with these Terms. Your participation in our Services or Medusa Funding Challenges signifies your acknowledgment and acceptance of these Terms and your commitment to comply with them.

Your use of our Website and/or participation in a Challenge signifies your agreement to these terms and conditions, along with any other related terms, conditions, and policies mentioned or accessible via hyperlinks. These Terms of Service are applicable to all users of the site, including, but not limited to, browsers, vendors, customers, merchants, and content contributors.

We advise you to read these Terms of Service carefully before accessing or using our Website. By accessing or using any part of the site, you agree to these Terms of Service. If you do not consent to all the terms and conditions of this agreement, you should refrain from visiting the Website or using any Services. These Terms of Service represent an offer, with acceptance confined to these terms. The Services are available exclusively to individuals aged 18 and above, residing in countries where our Services are offered. A list of countries where Services are not provided can be found on our Website.

Any new features or tools added to the current site will also be governed by these Terms of Service. The latest version of the Terms of Service is always available on this page. We reserve the right to modify, update, or replace any part of these Terms of Service by making changes to our Website. It is your responsibility to check this page regularly for updates. Your continued use of or access to the Website following the posting of any changes confirms your acceptance of those changes.


Medusa Funding offers a variety of trading services and challenges, which are strictly not to be construed as investment services. We emphasize that our role does not extend to providing specific guidance or advice on transaction strategies or investment tool choices. Any interactions or communications from Medusa Funding’s staff or representatives, regardless of their nature, should not be interpreted as investment counsel or recommendations. We expressly distance ourselves from any claims of providing investment advice and shall bear no responsibility for such misinterpretations.

Access to our website, including our diverse database and infrastructure, may occasionally be provided to external entities. This access is critical for the ongoing maintenance, enhancement, and debugging of our systems. We ensure that such access is closely monitored and strictly regulated to safeguard our operational integrity.

Service Engagement and Financial Commitment

Customers engaging with Medusa Funding are required to pay a registration fee to access our comprehensive trading platform, educational models, and other specialized services. It’s important to note that once the service commences, or if the customer initiates trading activities without completing the necessary evaluation stages, the registration fee becomes non-refundable. This policy underscores our commitment to a serious and professional trading environment, with all payments being definitive and geared solely towards evaluation and assessment purposes.

Section 1 – Terms of Online Registration and Conduct

Upon agreeing to these Terms of Service, customers affirm their legal majority in their respective regions. They also agree to conduct their activities within the legal and ethical boundaries set forth by Medusa Funding. Engaging in unauthorized or illegal activities is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate cessation of service access. This commitment to legal compliance underscores the integrity of our platform and the importance we place on lawful and ethical participation.

Section 2 – General Conditions

At Medusa Funding we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone at any time for any reason. The Customer acknowledges that their content (except for credit card information), which is not of a sensitive nature, may be transferred unencrypted and involve (a) transmissions over various networks; and (b) changes to conform and adapt to technical requirements of connecting networks or devices. Credit card information is always encrypted during transfer over networks. Without the Provider’s express written consent, the Customer agrees not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell, or exploit any part of the Service, use of the Service, or access to the Service or any contact on the website through which the Service is provided. The headings used in this agreement are included for convenience only and will not limit or otherwise affect the Terms.

Section 3 – Information Accuracy, Completeness, and Timeliness

The Customer acknowledges that the services and content are provided “as is” with all faults, defects, or potential shortcomings, and that the use of such services and content is solely at the Customer’s own risk. While the Provider endeavors to ensure that all information is accurate and current, it recognizes that technology may have inherent limitations. Consequently, the Customer accepts these potential limitations and agrees to use the services with this understanding. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the Provider disclaims all warranties, whether statutory, express, implied, or otherwise, including, but not limited to, any warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of rights.

Section 4 – Adaptive Changes in Services and Pricing

Medusa Funding’s product and service offerings, including their prices, are subject to dynamic changes without prior notice. We retain the authority to modify, suspend, or discontinue any aspect of our service without prior notification. This adaptability is crucial in our ever-evolving industry, ensuring that we remain at the forefront of trading education and opportunities.

Section 5 – Product Availability and Service Offerings

We hold the right to limit or regulate the sale of our products or services to specific individuals, geographic areas, or jurisdictions, based on our judgment. Descriptions and pricing of our products are also subject to change at our discretion. This policy reflects our commitment to providing the most relevant and effective services to our customers.

The Provider does not warrant that the quality of any products, services, information, or other material purchased or obtained by the Customer will meet the Customer’s expectations, or that any errors in the Service will be corrected.

Section 6 – Integrity in Account Management and Billing

At Medusa Funding, every order and transaction undergoes a review process, and we reserve the right to refuse or limit orders for any reason. This may include orders placed by the same account, credit card, and orders using the same billing and/or shipping address. In the event of an order change or cancellation, we will endeavor to notify the customer through the provided contact information. It’s the customer’s responsibility to keep their account and billing information accurate and up-to-date.

Section 7 – Access to Supplementary Tools and Resources

Medusa Funding may grant Customers access to various third-party tools. We emphasize that our role in providing these tools is limited to facilitation; we do not monitor, control, or input into these tools. Customers should understand that these tools are offered “as is” and “as available,” without any form of warranty, representation, condition, or endorsement from Medusa Funding. Consequently, we accept no liability arising from or related to the Customer’s use of these third-party tools.

Customers’ engagement with any optional tools provided through our website is at their own risk and discretion. It is the Customer’s responsibility to familiarize themselves with and accept the terms under which these tools are provided by their respective third-party providers. Looking ahead, Medusa Funding may introduce new services or features on our website, including the launch of new tools and resources. These additions, too, will be governed by these Terms of Service.

Section 8 – External Content and Third-Party Links

Medusa Funding’s service may include content, products, and services that involve materials from third-party sources. Links located on our website may lead to external sites not affiliated with Medusa Funding. We do not undertake the responsibility of scrutinizing or verifying the accuracy of content found on these third-party sites and therefore do not warrant or assume any liability for third-party materials, websites, or other products and services.

Customers are advised to thoroughly review the policies and practices of third-party websites before engaging in transactions with them. Medusa Funding bears no responsibility for any harm or damages arising from transactions involving third-party goods, services, or content. Any grievances, queries, or concerns regarding third-party products should be directed to the respective third-party entity.

Section 9 – User Contributions: Comments, Feedback, and Submissions

Customers are permitted to submit comments, feedback, or other contributions to Medusa Funding, which we may use, edit, copy, publish, distribute, or translate without restriction. Medusa Funding is not obligated to keep these submissions confidential, compensate for them, or respond to them.

We reserve the right, but are not obligated, to monitor, edit, or remove content that, in our sole discretion, is deemed unlawful, offensive, threatening, defamatory, pornographic, obscene, or otherwise objectionable, or that infringes on intellectual property rights or these Terms of Service.

Customers must ensure that their submissions do not violate any third-party rights, including copyright, trademark, privacy, and other proprietary rights. Submissions should not contain unlawful, abusive, obscene material, or harmful computer viruses. Customers must authentically represent themselves in their submissions and not mislead Medusa Funding or others regarding the origin of their comments. The accuracy and responsibility for any comments made rest solely with the Customer, and Medusa Funding assumes no liability for comments posted by the Customer or any third party.

All interactions under this agreement between the Customer and Medusa Funding should be conducted with the utmost fairness and respect. Actions detrimental to the reputation or interests of either party are strictly forbidden. This agreement imposes a duty to refrain from such conduct during and after the term of the trading relationship. Disputes should be resolved in line with these Terms and applicable laws. Violations may lead to immediate legal action, including cease and desist notices and other legal measures to protect the rights of the aggrieved party.

Section 10 – Protection of Personal Data

At Medusa Funding, the handling of personal data submitted through our website is governed by our Privacy Policy, underscoring our commitment to data protection and privacy.

Section 11 – Know Your Customer (KYC) Compliance

Medusa Funding is dedicated to implementing comprehensive and robust Know Your Customer (KYC), Customer Due Diligence (CDD), and Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) procedures in line with legal and regulatory requirements.

11.2. Know Your Customer ( KYC):

KYC Objectives:

11.2.1 Establish an effective and streamlined process for the identification and vetting of Customers.

11.2.2. Mitigate money laundering risks through thorough information acquisition and analysis.

11.2.3. Enhance the detection of suspicious transactions by identifying inconsistencies in provided information.

11.3. Customer Due Diligence (CDD):

CDD is a mandatory protocol for initiating and maintaining customer relationships, encompassing:

11.3.1. Collection of verifiable identification data to confirm the Customer’s identity.

11.3.2. Understanding the nature and purpose of the Customer’s trading activities, including strategies and financial market knowledge.

11.3.3. Continuous monitoring of trading activities to ensure alignment with the Customer’s stated strategies, risk profile, and financial capabilities.

11.4. Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD):

For high-risk transactions or relationships, Medusa Funding implements EDD, which includes:

11.4.1. Additional identity verification, especially in cases where standard documents are insufficient.

11.4.2. Detailed interviews, possibly including video calls, for a more personal assessment.

11.4.3. In-depth understanding of the Customer’s trading methods to ensure they align with our risk tolerance and ethical standards.

11.4.4. Implementing intensified and ongoing monitoring of the Counterparty’s trading activities, to dynamically evaluate adherence to agreed-upon practices and risk parameters.

11.5. Medusa Funding’s KYC Procedures:

Our KYC measures for all transactions and relationships involve:

11.5.1. Identity verification based on valid documents post-challenge phases.

11.5.2. Options for verification include QR code scans or verification links via SMS.

11.5.3. Required submission of specific documents such as:

  • National ID
  • Passport
  • Driving license

11.5.4. Rejection of expired documents; only valid and recent documents are accepted.

11.5.5. Directing Customers to the agreement signing stage after document collection. The verification process typically takes 48-72 hours.

11.5.6. Medusa Funding reserves the right to refuse or discontinue engagement if KYC, CDD, or EDD criteria are not met.

11.5.7. Failure in KYC verification results in account application rejection.

Section 12 – Accuracy and Error Handling

Occasionally, our site or services may display typographical errors or inaccuracies. Medusa Funding reserves the right to correct these and update information or cancel orders as necessary. We are not obligated to amend or clarify information unless required by law.

Customers encountering discrepancies in the Service, such as account details or transactions, are obliged to report these issues immediately. This enables us to rectify and maintain the integrity of our Service. Customers can report issues through our support channels.

Section 13 – Restricted Uses of the Service

The Customer is strictly prohibited from using the site or its content for any illegal activities, including soliciting others to engage in unlawful acts, violating regulations or laws, infringing upon intellectual property rights, or engaging in discriminatory behavior. This includes harassing, abusing, insulting, defaming, or discriminating based on gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, race, age, national origin, or disability. Additionally, submitting false information or transmitting harmful viruses is not allowed.

Medusa Funding reserves the right to terminate the Customer’s use of the Service and any related website for any breach of these prohibitions.

Section 14 – Trading Conduct and Prohibited Practices

14.1. Medusa Funding strictly prohibits trading practices that violate the guidelines set forth in this section or as detailed in our FAQs. Customers must adhere to these established rules and guidelines when utilizing our services. Violating these stipulations is not permissible under any circumstance.

14.1.1. Customers are forbidden from employing trading strategies that take advantage of service errors, such as price display inaccuracies or update delays. This includes, but is not limited to, practices known as Latency Trading.

14.1.2. Trading based on external or slow data feeds, or engaging in gap trading, is strictly prohibited.

14.1.3. Participating, either alone in Group Trading, which involves trading in a coordinated manner across connected accounts to manipulate the market, is not allowed.

14.1.4. The use of software, artificial intelligence, high-frequency trading techniques, or any form of mass data entry that can manipulate or unfairly exploit Medusa Funding’s systems is strictly prohibited.

14.1.5. Engaging in any form of arbitrage trading that exploits pricing discrepancies between markets is not permitted.

14.1.6. Customers must not employ strategies that ensure limit order execution during periods of low liquidity, as these do not reflect genuine market conditions.

14.1.7. Trading practices that are inconsistent with standard forex or financial market operations, or that could potentially cause financial or other harm to The Provider, such as over-leveraging, over-exposure, making one-sided bets, grid trading, tick scalping, or account rolling. Engaging in any of these activities may raise valid concerns about intentionally harming The Provider.

14.1.8. Copy trading, where a customer mimics the trades of others without authorization from Medusa Funding, is not allowed.

14.1.9. Customers must not collaborate with third parties to execute trades on their behalf, nor grant access to their accounts to unauthorized individuals.

14.1.10. Accessing or managing any third-party Medusa Funding accounts, or committing to trade on behalf of others, is strictly prohibited. Medusa Funding conducts regular monitoring of IP addresses to detect multiple accesses to a single account. If such activity is observed, the account will be subject to an investigation and may be terminated if any terms are found to be violated.

14.1.11. Opening trade positions significantly larger or smaller than typical for the customer is not allowed.

14.1.12. Using high levels of margin is prohibited and considered risky.

14.2. Consequences for Violating Trading Guidelines:

14.2.1. Violating any of these trading restrictions may lead Medusa Funding to consider it as non-compliance with the terms of our Challenges.

14.2.2. Transactions found to be in violation may be removed from the customer’s trading history, and their results may be excluded from profit/loss calculations.

14.2.3. Serious violations may result in the termination of all services provided to the customer and the end of the contractual agreement.

14.2.4. Should these prohibited practices involve Medusa Funding’s Trader accounts or third-party accounts, it may lead to the cancellation of these accounts and termination of related agreements by the third-party providers.

14.2.5. Repeated engagement in prohibited practices described in 14.2.4, even after notification, may result in the customer being denied access to our services, without any compensation or refund. In such a case, the Customer shall not be entitled to a refund of the fees paid.

14.2.6. Medusa Funding reserves the right to terminate services and contracts for any customer who engages in these prohibited practices, either individually or in combination with other customers or accounts.

14.2.7.  Medusa Funding does not take responsibility for trading or investment activities conducted outside of our platform, including the use of data or information from our portal or trading platform for real-market trading. This also applies to any third-party services accessed through our platform.

Section 15 – Limitations and Warranty Disclaimer

Medusa Funding does not guarantee that the service will be flawless, timely, secure, or uninterrupted. While striving for excellence, we cannot assure that the outcomes derived from the service will always be accurate or reliable. Customers acknowledge that Medusa Funding may, at its discretion, suspend or cancel the service at any time, with or without prior notice. The use of our service, or any inability to use it, falls entirely under the Customer’s own risk.

The services, along with all products delivered via Medusa Funding, are provided ‘as is’ and ‘as available,’ without any form of warranty, either expressed or implied. This includes, but is not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement.

In no event will Medusa Funding and its directors, officers, employees, affiliates, agents, contractors, interns, suppliers, service providers, or licensors be liable for any injury, loss, claim, or any direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, special, or consequential damages of any kind, including, without limitation, lost profits, lost revenue, lost savings, loss of data, replacement costs, or any similar damages, whether based in contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise, arising from the Customer’s use of the service or any products procured using the service, or for any other claim related in any way to the Customer’s use of the service or any product, including, but not limited to, any errors or omissions in any content, or any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of the service or any content (or product) posted, transmitted, or otherwise made available via the service, even if advised of their possibility.

Section 16 – Indemnification by the Customer

Customers agree to indemnify and hold harmless Medusa Funding and its wider network from any claims, demands, or damages, including reasonable legal fees, arising from their breach of these Terms, or their violation of any law or third-party rights.

Section 17 – Severability of Terms

If any provision of these Terms is deemed unlawful, void, or unenforceable, it shall be enforced to the maximum extent permissible, and such unenforceability shall not affect the remaining provisions.

Section 18 – Termination of Agreement

All obligations and liabilities incurred prior to the termination date will survive the termination of this agreement. These Terms remain effective until terminated by either the Customer or Medusa Funding. Customers can terminate these Terms at any time, ceasing the use of our services.

Medusa Funding may terminate the agreement at any time, especially if the Customer fails to comply with any term. Upon termination, the Customer remains liable for any due amounts.

18.1. Trading Guidelines

The Customer must adhere to the guidelines listed below. Failure to do so shall result in account termination. The Customer must:

18.1.2. Hedging Policy:

At Medusa Funding, participants are allowed to maintain multiple hedged positions within a single account. However, cross-account hedging, either within Medusa Funding or involving other proprietary trading firms, is not permitted.

18.1.3. Regulatory Compliance and Broker Relations:

Trading activities must not create regulatory or compliance issues for the broker. Participants must adhere to all applicable laws and regulations in their trading practices.

18.1.4. Prohibition of Marketed Strategies:

Utilizing any third-party strategy, off-the-shelf strategy, or one marketed specifically to pass audition accounts (as described on the Website) is strictly prohibited.

18.1.5. Manipulation of Market Close Positions:

Entering any eligible position in any given market at or near the end of the trading day for such market with the intent of profiting from the price gap between when the market closes and reopens on the subsequent trading day is prohibited. This practice, as determined by Medusa Funding in its sole and absolute discretion, is deemed manipulative and unacceptable.

18.1.6. Responsibility for Service-Related Costs:

All costs and expenses associated with the provision of our services are the responsibility of Medusa Funding. We ensure that participants have a clear understanding of any potential costs upfront.

18.1.7. Governing Rules for Challenges:

The specific terms and conditions listed in our FAQs and Rules section are applicable to all Medusa Funding Challenge accounts. Participants are expected to adhere to these rules as part of their agreement with us.

18.1.8. Impact of Add-ons and Special Offers:

Selecting add-ons and special offers as part of the Medusa Funding Challenge experience may result in modifications to the standard trading guidelines. These modifications, valid for their specified duration, will supersede the standard guidelines.

18.1.9. No Gambling Policy:

Medusa Funding is committed to identifying and partnering with the world’s most skilled traders. We enforce a strict no-gambling policy to uphold the integrity of our trading programs. Participants must adhere to robust risk management practices, which are fundamental to our approach. Failure to comply with these practices will lead to disqualification from the program. This includes the disabling and termination of your account(s) after services are deemed fully provided. We expressly prohibit ‘all-or-nothing’ trades and strategies that contradict our trading philosophy.

18.1.10. Arbitrage Policy:

Participants are prohibited from engaging in arbitrage that involves a virtual funded account provided by Medusa Funding and any other account, either within Medusa Funding or with another entity, as solely determined by Medusa Funding.

18.1.11. Enforcement of Prohibited Trading Policy:

Should Medusa Funding, in its sole and absolute discretion, determine that a participant’s trading activities constitute prohibited trading, the participant’s involvement in the program will be terminated, which may include forfeiture of any fees paid. Furthermore, before any trader is eligible for a payout from a virtual funded account, their trading activities will undergo a review to ensure compliance with these terms and conditions. If it is concluded that the trader engaged in prohibited trading, they will be ineligible for any payout based on trading in a virtual funded account.

Section 19 – Refund Policy

19.1 Termination Request by Customer:

Customers wishing to terminate their service must formally request it. Upon termination, customers forfeit the right to any refund of fees. If the Customer engages in prohibited practices, access to services may be restricted without compensation. Fees are nonrefundable once trading activity begins.

19.2 Continued Violations:

If the Customer continues engaging in any prohibited activities despite prior warning, Medusa Funding reserves the right to terminate access to all Services without compensation. No refunds will be provided for any fees already paid under these circumstances.

19.3 Service Activation:

After the Customer pays for the Medusa Funding Challenge program, they will be provided with login credentials. By initiating the first trade, the Customer acknowledges and agrees that Medusa Funding has fulfilled the Services before the end of the withdrawal period, thereby relinquishing any rights to cancel the contract.

19.4 Failure to Activate:

Should the Customer fail to activate the Medusa Funding Challenge within 30 calendar days, their access will be suspended. To request reactivation, the Customer must contact, adhering to the specified terms and conditions.

19.5 Disputes and Chargebacks:

In cases of a fee dispute or chargeback deemed unjustifiable by Medusa Funding, the right to terminate the services and refuse future services is reserved at Medusa Funding’s discretion.

19.6 Refund Policy:

Requests for refunds must be submitted within 7 days of registration provided that no trading has occurred. After trading begins, all fees are nonrefundable, and no requests for either full or partial refunds will be considered.

19.7 Refund Upon Payout:

The refund of the purchase fee will be processed simultaneously with the initial payout from your Simulated Funded account. Should there be discrepancies in trading activity or non-matching IP addresses between the evaluation and the funded account, such activities will be deemed suspicious. This may lead to the withholding or refusal of the purchase fee refund and could result in the cancellation of the account.

Section 20 – Entire Agreement

This agreement, including all policies and rules posted by Medusa Funding, constitutes the full agreement between the Customer and Medusa Funding, superseding any prior agreements. Any ambiguities will be neutrally interpreted.

Section 21 – Governing Law

These Terms of Service are governed by the legal jurisdiction of the Customer, along with any additional agreements for services provided by Medusa Funding.

Section 22 – Compliance with Local Laws

Customers engaging in Medusa Funding’s trading challenges are strongly encouraged to be fully informed and compliant with all relevant local laws and regulations. Participation in our services is understood to be at the customer’s own risk, with the customer assuming full responsibility for their actions within the platform. By using Medusa Funding’s services, customers confirm they are at least 18 years old and acknowledge that Medusa Funding is not liable for any customer actions that may contravene local legal standards. Responsibility for any legal violations or non-compliance with local laws rests entirely with the customer.

Section 23 – Amendments to Terms of Service

These Terms may be amended in accordance with the Customer’s legal jurisdiction. Customers are advised to review these Terms periodically for any changes.

Section 24 – Company details

Company Registration No: 205162

Licence No: GB24202879

Block 8 | 1827 Building | Vivea Business Park | Moka | Mauritius

Cookie Settings

MEDUSAfunding Cookie Policy and Data Collection

At MEDUSAfunding, we use various technologies, including cookies, to enhance your experience on our website ( This Cookie Policy explains our practices in handling your personal data and the utilization of such technologies.

Details Included in this Cookie Policy:

Website Operator and Contact Information:

   – MEDUSAfunding operates the Website. For inquiries or exercising your data rights, contact us at

Technologies Utilized and the Role of Cookies:

   – We employ cookies, small files stored on your device, to collect information about your website activities. Cookies aid in remembering your settings, preferences, and facilitate targeted content delivery.

   – In addition to cookies, we process your IP address and utilize analytical scripts for user behavior tracking on the Website.

Configuring Cookie Preferences on the Website:

   – You can manage cookie settings through your web browser or operating system. Some Website functionalities are reliant on cookies, and disabling them may impact your user experience.

Browser Settings for Cookies:

   – Web browsers typically accept cookies by default, but you can modify these settings. Browser options allow you to accept all cookies, reject them, or notify you when a cookie is set. Browser-specific instructions are available for Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and Safari.

Types of Cookies Used:

   – Necessary basic cookies: Essential for Website browsing and security.

   – Functional cookies: Enhance user experience based on your preferences.

   – Analytical cookies: Provide insights into Website usage for continuous improvement.

   – Advertising cookies: Enable targeted advertising and may involve third-party services.

Your Rights and Exercise Options:

   – You have the right to manage, withdraw consent, or delete cookies via your browser settings. Other data rights can be exercised by contacting

Extended Cookie Policy Information:

-Purpose and Use of Cookies: Our cookies serve various purposes, from ensuring basic website functionality to enhancing user experience and providing personalized content and ads.

– Personal Data Processing: The information collected via cookies includes but is not limited to your browsing behavior, device information, and preferences.

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Updates and Changes to the Cookie Policy:

– We reserve the right to update or modify this Cookie Policy as needed. Changes will be communicated through our Website, and we encourage you to review this policy regularly to stay informed about how we manage cookies and your data.

Risk Disclosure

Risk Disclosure Statement for MEDUSAfunding

MEDUSAfunding’s content is designed to provide general guidance and information. It is not intended as an endorsement, recommendation, or sponsorship of any specific security, company, or fund. Testimonials on our website may not represent the experiences of all clients or consumers. MEDUSAfunding, including its affiliates, staff, and contractors, disclaims any liability for the use or misuse of this information.

Investment Suitability and Risks:

  • Futures and Forex (FX) trading carry substantial risks and are not appropriate for every investor. There’s a possibility of losing the entire initial investment or more.
  • Only risk capital—funds that, if lost, will not significantly impact your financial security or lifestyle—should be used for trading.
  • This communication is not an offer to buy or sell futures, options, or forex, nor is it a guarantee of future performance based on past results.

CFTC Rule 4.41 – Limitations on Hypothetical or Simulated Performance Results:

  • Simulated performance results do not represent actual trading and may not accurately reflect the impact of market factors such as liquidity shortages.
  • Often, these simulations are retrospectively structured, which may not accurately predict future outcomes.
  • There is no assurance that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown in simulations.

High-Risk Warning for Margin Trading:

  • Trading Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on margin carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all traders.
  • Before engaging in CFD trading, evaluate your trading goals, experience level, and risk tolerance.
  • Be prepared for the possibility of losing more than your initial investment and only trade with money you can afford to lose.
  • Be fully aware of the associated risks and consider managing them effectively.

Third-Party Website Links:

  • Our site may include links to external websites. MEDUSAfunding does not review these third-party sites and is not responsible for their content.
  • Linking to a third-party site does not imply our endorsement or recommendation of their products or content.

Site Usage and Local Regulations:

  • The content on our site is purely informational and should not be construed as a solicitation or offer in jurisdictions where such activities are illegal.
  • If local currency and spot metal trading regulations are unclear to you, discontinue using our site.
  • Seek independent financial, legal, and tax advice before engaging in currency or metal trading.
  • This site does not provide company or affiliate advice.

Jurisdictional Restrictions:

  • MEDUSAfunding’s services are not available to individuals in jurisdictions where such use would conflict with local laws or regulations.

Encouragement of Trading Freedom:

  • At MEDUSAfunding, we support and encourage your preferred trading style. We believe optimal performance is achieved when trading within your comfort zone.
  • You are free to trade using any style that suits you best, as we aim to harness your best potential for mutual growth.
  • Choose your trading plan wisely, considering your comfort and skill level.

Working together with our valuable partners

Collaborating seamlessly with our esteemed partners for shared success.